Reno® Mattresses are manufactured to EN 10233-3 and SANS 1580 with hexagonal wire mesh Type 60, commonly referred to as double twist wire mesh. The steel wire used in manufacturing Reno® Mattresses are 2.2mm in diameter and is protected by Class A – Zinc or a Zinc Alloy (Galfan) coating, for dry areas and low aggressive environments.
Reno® Mattresses are used principally in water applications and are usually subject to abrasion by debris and corrosion by water. In such cases the Polimac® coated mattresses are recommended.
Reno® Mattresses are used in riverbank protection, channelizing work and storm-water outlets. They are able to withstand water velocity up to 6.5m/s and riverbank slopes up to 45°. They are manufactured in compartments of 1m in the flow direction in order to reduce migration of rock and the diaphragms are formed by folding the base, ensuring a higher rigidity and reducing deformation under high flow conditions.